Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Just another day of chaos, confusion, pandemonium, disorder and cacophany.
Coo coo coo cool radio.
The station with locomotivation.
Just another day of chaos, confusion, pandemonium, disorder and casuistry.
Just another day of chaos, confusion, pandemonium, disorder and chem lab explosions.
Just another day of chaos, confusion, pandemonium, disorder and cod liver oil.
Just another day of chaos, confusion, pandemonium, disorder and canned peas.
Just another day of chaos, confusion, pandemonium, disorder and a can-do attitude.
Just another day of chaos, confusion, pandemonium, disorder and cheech beans.
Just another day of chaos, confusion, pandemonium, disorder and sensible shoes.
Just another day of chaos, confusion, pandemonium, disorder and coptic chant.
Just another day of chaos, confusion, pandemonium, disorder and power tools.
Just another day of chaos, confusion, pandemonium, disorder and fourier transforms galore.
Just another day of chaos, confusion, pandemonium, disorder and potassium sulfate.
Grinding your peppercorns one foot at a time.
Where the hen is mightier than the four on the floor.
Eavesdropping on the gutters of your mind.
It's like conversing with a rhinoceros.
The only station in the valley that asks the musical question: If Bruce Springsteen married Clare Booth Luce, would he change his name to Bruce Luce?
Minds running amok.
Register for the Bob Marley Herb of the Month club: this month's herb...
What would you rather do: bungee jump off the Harrison Avenue Bridge or listen to 99.5 WUSR Scranton? We win every time!

Here at 99.5 WUSR Scranton we pride ourselves on being piquant because we have to cross our t's and dot our i's and watch our p's and q's all at once.

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