Sunday, December 02, 2012

Debussy for December

Debussy, Claude, 1862-1918. String quartet in G minor,op. 10. RCA Victor,[1960]
 Juillard String Quartet. 
Chansons de Bilitis :Poems by Pierre Louÿs Columbia, [1964] For 2 flutes, 
2 harps, and celesta, with narration.  Debussy work: The composer's celesta part
(lost) supplied  by Pierre Boulez.  The music is incidental to poems no. 2,
 12, 18, 22, 37, 56, 98, 105, 114, 136, and 142 in the work of the same title
 by Pierre Louÿs.  Vera Zorina, narrator ; Columbia Chamber Ensemble, Robert 
 Craft, conductor. 
La mer.Odyssey[1973] Cleveland Orchestra; George Szell, conductor. 
Afternoon of a faun (L ' áprès-midi d'un faune). Columbia[1965] 
New York Philarmonic; Leonard Bernstein, conductor. 
Weissenberg plays Debussy. RCA Red Seal [1969] Children's corner suite.
--La fille aux cheveux de lin.--L'isle joyeuse   Alexis Weissenberg, piano. 

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