Saturday, September 14, 2013

Mikhail Sholokhov

From high atop the beautiful hamlet of  Kruzhilin in the lovely Administrative Region of the Don Cossack Army., it's time once again for Sadko's World of Music. The role of Sadko today is being played by Vassily Kudashov . The role of the Bobbsie Twins is being played by  Felicia and Philippa Ingold. The role of Ken Moss is being played by Herman Ermolayev.  In the third half of the program, the role of Lenny the Listener will  be played by  Fyodor Kryukov.  Our featured great Russian writer today is Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov   (May 24  1905 – February 21, 1984) was a Soviet/Russian novelist and winner of the 1965 Nobel Prize in Literature. He is known for writing about life and fate of Don Cossacks during Russian revolution, Civil War and collectivization, primarily the famous And Quiet Flows the Don.
Don Cossack Chorus.  Cossack folk songs| the Don Cossacks of Rostov.  Melodiya/Angel,   Bylina : epic (3:22) -- Melt, you snowdrifts, it's time (1 :54) -- Oh, you oak grove ; Oh, you frost, you bitter frost (2:30) -- A garland of six wedding songs. Do you hear ; You, Yagorushka ; I planted vines ; Mist in the ravine ; My Vanyushka ; A birch-tree on the hill (8:24) -- In the meadow (1:52) -- Be merry, Don Cossacks (1:39) -- My meadow, my greensward (1:41) -- Fellow Cossacks! (1:23) -- By the forest (3:17) -- A Cossack left for a far land (3:19) -- Oh, don't awaken me (1:20) -- Dawn (1:32) -- Oak grove (1:07) -- Oh, in the garden (1:13) -- Golden bee (1: 42) -- My native land (3:45) -- One who truly loves his motherland (2:09)   Don Cossacks of Rostov ; Anatoly Kvasov, conductor.
Don Cossack Chorus.  On the River Don Decca, [1965?].   Across the Danube--Cossack lullaby--Borodino--The Red Sarafan--Golden age--Barinya--Siberian vagabond song-- Comical village song--On the River Don--Round dance-- Sakura.   Don Cossacks Chorus ; Serge Jaroff, conductor
Don Cossack Chorus.  Christmas music and carols A pre- Easter service. Concert Hall Society, [19-]   Christmas music and carols: Hymn to Christmas -- Hymn for the Virgin Mary -- Glory be to the birth of Jesus Christ - - Stikh -- Hymn to the Virgin -- First Irmos from the Christmas canon -- Carols -- A pre-Easter service: Great canon of Andre Kritsky -- Svetilen -- Stikh -- Symbolic burial of Christ -- Tropar-The noble Joseph -- Prayer before the receiving of the Holy Communion -- Canon.  Don Cossack Chorus; Serge Jaroff, conductor.

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