Monday, April 06, 2015

The Easter Special

The letter M stands for Missing! Joseph Haydn The Creation (Die Schöpfung) Oratorio 1796/1798 English version Academy of Ancient Music conducted by Christopher Hogwood Emma Kyrby, soprano Anthony Rolfe Johnson tenor Michael George bass-baritone 1.Overture - The Representation of Chaos 0:19 2.Let there be Light 6:44 3.Now vanish before the holy beams 8:01 4.The marv'lous work beholds amazed 13:41 5.Rolling in foaming billows 16:17 6.With verdure clad the fields appear 20:36 7.Awake the harp [Chor] 25:43 8.In splendour bright is rising now the sun 28:22 9.The heavens are telling the Glory of God [Chor] 31:01 10.On mighty pens uplifted soars the eagle aloft 36:13 11.And God created great whales 42:25 12.Most beautiful appear [Chor] 44:50 13.Straight opening her fertile womb 53:00 14.Now heaven in fullest glory shone 55:11 15.In native worth and honour clad 59:02 16.Achieved is the glorious work [Chor] 1:03:05 17.In rosy mantle appears 1:11:32 18.By Thee with bliss, a bounteous Lord [Chor] 1:15:28 19.Graceful consort! At thy side 1:27:25 20.Sing the Lord ye voices all! [Chor] 1:35:46 Handel Messiah Halleluja Chorus Christopher Hogwood (conductor) Academy of Ancient Music

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