Monday, June 10, 2013

Leo Tolstoy

From high atop beautiful Yasnaya Polyana, it's time once again for Sadko's World of Music. We continue our great Russian Writers Series with Leo Tolstoy. Most famous for his massive novel, War and Peace, he also has a musical connection in his short story (almost a novel) The Kreutzer Sonata.

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827. Sonata no. 9, in A major, op. 47 (Kreutzer)  Capitol [1961]  Yehudi Menuhin, violin; Hephzibah Menuhin, piano.
War and peace highlights  Prokofiev. Libretto by Mira Mendelson-Prokofieva.  Melodiya/Angel [1968] Galina Vishnevskaya, soprano, and other soloists, chorus, and orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater; Alexander Melik- Pashayev, conductor
Rota, Nino,| 1911-1979.War and peace [from the sound track of the Paramount presentation]  Columbia Special Products [1956] 3 For orchestra; conducted by Franco Ferrara.
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827.   Wellingtons Sieg. Wellington's victory or The Battle of Vitoria.  Mercury [1961]   London Symphony Orchestra; cannons and muskets of the U. S. Military Academy; Deems Taylor, commentator; Antal Dorati, conductor.
Liszt, Franz, 1811-1886.  Introducing Ivan Davis playing piano works of Liszt. Columbia [1961]  Concert étude no. 3, in D-flat major (Un sospiro)--La Campanella.--Liebestraum.--Mephisto waltz.--Funerailles.-- Concert étude no. 2, in F minor (La leggierezza)-- Hungarian rhapsody no. 6.
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1804-1857.   Ivan Susanin; or, A life for the tsar. London [1957?]  Soloists and Chorus of the National Opera, Belgrade, with Chorus of the Yugoslav Army; Oscar Danon, conductor.

The World of the balalaika Melodiya/Angel [1971]  Jingle bell.--Glorious sea, the sacred Baikal.--Oh, snow, light snow.--Dance of the little swans, from Swan lake.-- Siberian flax.--Ah, Nastasya!--Over the fields, open fields.--The coachman's song.--Dark eyes spell danger.-- Lost in the tall stand of grain.--Daybreak on the Moskva River, from Khovanshchina.--Oh, my heart.--Why a cloud of dust in the field?--Ah, Vanya.  Ludmila Zykina, soprano; Valentina Levko, mezzo-soprano; Ivan Petrov, bass; Osipov Balalaika Orchestra; Vitaly Gnutov and Viktor Dubrovsky, conductor.

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